1. Contact
2. International projects and calls for action
3. List of actions, activities, camps, plus new groups starting and calls for solidarity – by country alphabetically
1. Contact
CJA is a A network of international (although mainly European) grassroots movements fighting for global climate justice.
Join the international CJA list:
2. International projects and calls for action
Connecting anti-airport and aviation struggles globally
At Ende Gelände ( there was a nice little strategy meeting with the aim to globally connect local anti-airportinfrastructure struggles.
We created an e-mail-list and committed to create a network between as many airport struggles as possible. If you have contacts to airport struggle groups or other people who might be interested to join, please get back to us and spread the word – contact: <>
Also, we agreed on global action weeks in September (probably end of September), with already the commitment of Heathrow and Vienna. If you want to get on this list, please write to <>.
Plus several organizations are endorsing a global petition against greenwashing the growth of aviation plans of the ICAO(UN-aviation organization). This will be called “No aviation growth! No false climate solutions!”. Between 27 September to 7 October 2016 the ICAO is making a decision to adopt a plan for ‘carbon neutral growth’ by using offsets – See: The launch of the petition will be in the mid of June – so we ask all the movements and organizations on this list to sign the petition and spread it around.
Find the petition in several languages here:
Sign on here:
Kicking big oil out of the arts
During the Paris climate talks, a global movement for #fossilfreeculture – to reduce the power of the fossil fuel industry by denying them the kudos and influence they gain from arts sponsorship – was launched with a performance action at the (oil-sponsored) Louvre – . Since then, the movement has scored some major victories. The notorious climate-denying coal billionaire David Koch has been kicked off the board of the American Museum of Natural History, and the long-running BP sponsorship deals at the Edinburgh International Festival and London’s Tate galleries have ended, following creative interventions and direct action from artists and campaigners ( ).
More and more groups in different countries are stepping up to take action; following a report this month exposing the way oil companies use arts sponsorship to push for new drilling deals ( ), there were five creative actions against oil sponsorship in just one week in the UK alone, featuring disobedient artwork, performance occupations, and giant banner drops ( ). Now is a crucial moment, with many oil funding deals up for renewal, and lots more action planned across Europe!
In the Netherlands, a new group has formed to confront Shell’s sponsorship of cultural institutions, using artistic interventions. Their aim is to build a vibrant community of artists, creatives, activists collaborating for a Fossil Free Culture, so everyone is welcome to get involved. You can fill in this mini- survey or contact them by email:
There is also an active group in Norway, focusing on Statoil sponsorship: you can find them on Facebook here
Art Not Oil in the UK are also happy to give advice and support to anyone wanting to take action on this issue for the first time elsewhere in the world – feel free to contact them on these details: contact, or drop them a line via Facebook ( or twitter ( ).
The Coordination Climat Justice Sociale in Geneva mounted a small action to denounce the project that would have associated J-P Gandhur, a particularly notorious oil criminal, who made his money in Nigeria, as a major partner of the Genevan Fine Arts and History museum (Musée d’Art et Histoire,MAH). We brought a series of his “works” (pictures of pollution of the Niger Delta) to his headquarters in Geneva and to a special evening event at the MAH. Good news! The project was scotched by a popular referendum, and he got nothing but negative publicity for his efforts.
3. List of actions, activities, camps, plus new groups starting, and calls for solidarity – by country alphabetically
New Austrian climatejustice movement
“Hello, we want to present ourselves: “System Change, notClimate Change” started last year, and now we are a growing activist groupof around 80 people around Austria, with regional and different thematic groups. Last year we organized climate actions on the 28/29th of November in 4 cities, in May we organized buses and a bike tour towards Ende Gelände, and this year we focus our struggles against the airport extension plans in Vienna. Happy to join Climate Justice Action!”
Guerilla-media action: Fake offsetting-website
The Austrian “Finance & Trade Watch” and German “FDCL” have been elaborating a great website und would like to launch it soon with your help on an international level. It’s a website (in 4 languages: German, English, French and Spanish), similar to the The Website pretends to be an initiative that offers individuals to calculate and compensate their carbon footprint by investing in offset-projects. In a sarcastic, funny way, the site formulates a critique of the dominant green economy pratices, but also puts real problems and critique forward. The domain is:
It comes with a 2-minute video (also in 4 languages).
We hope that we can count on your help for the launch of the website, and will send another e-mail on this list with some proposals.
Anarchist Summer-Camp 2016
12. to21. August in Austria
5-8 October, 2016 International Climate Alliance Conference and General Assembly. Krems an der Donau, Austria.[tt_news]=2541&tx_ttnews[backPid]=314&cHash=f7fce113f80c7edb8742e88ac320d739
In Lithuania-Latvia-Estonia as well as Germany-Poland-Belarus.
5 June – 20 Sept: ECOTOPIA Bike Tour 2016:
TTIP game over
Brussels – 4th and 5th of November
Our goal: to shut down the EU TTIP negotiations! Their little game has gone on too long. Come with your team or join one when you arrive, taking part in different ways to make sure for TTIP it’s Game Over. TTIP GameOver is the point of convergence between action, adventure and real change.Anyone can take part as we transform Brussels’ European Quarter into a veritable gaming field for a more just society
9-14 August, WORLD SOCIAL FORUM 2016 – Québec, Canada –
Every few days across France since the end of March: demonstrations, riots, blockades and strikes against la “loi travail”.
Diffraction,, together with people from human rights & peace to environmental movements, are setting up a space of collaborative experimentation to invent and organize collectively direct and/ornon direct actions to protest against -and hopefully disturb!- the Arm Fair”Eurosatory” – – that will take place in Paris Villepinte in June. We can’t give more information here of course, but ifanyone is interested in participating in this process (even if from far,artivists, web designers, etc. might be very helpful for instance) or in communicating about what we will do (media/journalistics handovers) when the actions will take place, please don”t hesitate to contact us at contact(AT)
18 June – Larzac Debout, marche antimilitariste pour le désarmement, la paix et la démilitarisation de la Terre et du Larzac –
25-26 June : Formation « Stratégie de mobilisation et méthode Alinsky » à L’Ile-Saint-Denis (93)
25&26 June at la ZAD de notre Dame des Landes. Various collectives at la ZAD are calling for groups to come and participate in collective work days during the consultation/referendum weekend. There will also be a central project with the construction of a large dome where we will celebrate whatever the results on sunday evening. More info here: Solidarity actions/banners would also be very welcome. Conctact us here:
5-15 August, “Camp Climat” 2016 porté par Action Non-Violente COP21, Alternatiba et Les Amis de la Terre –
10.-12. Juni -Leipzig – Welcome 2 stay – gathering of the welcoming, solidarity, migration and anti-racist movements
25-31 July, War starts here. Let’s stop it here am Gefechts-Übungszentrum (GÜZ) Altmark – (when you sent web-link thru google you’ll get there)
19th-29th of August 2016, Climate Camp in the Rhineland , and the Degrowth Summer School and Actionlab –
29 Aug, The Last Chord for Killer Drones! at Stuttgart –
17 Sept, Stop TTIP CETA Demonstration, decentralized national demo in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Berlin, Stuttgart, Cologne…
Action conference: kick off for a 2017 campaign” (Ende Gelände and friends) weekend Saturday 1. October until Monday 3. October (public holiday in Germany),
Action meeting sometime during the Rhineland camp (keep check website for exact date: More information on both meetings will be on the EG website soon!
No Border Camp 15-24 July Thessaloniki, Greece
A call for solidarity with the #iProtest ( movement and the #ColorfulRevolution ( in Macedonia where democracy is under threat and the media, both national (because it is controlled) and international, is silent about it. There are links between the struggles against the autocratic and corrupt regime in the country and the resistance to a gold & copper mine that is beginning its operations in Valandovo (Macedonia). We could really, very much use every single bit of support by groups and movements in other countries and the international outreach (even just by photo stunts/tweets/retweets/hearing words of support and/or hearing about similar struggles and how they are resisting).
7-18 Nov, COP 22 – Marrakesh 2016, Morocco – Coalition Marocaine pour la Justice Climatique (NGO & social movements Coordination).
Odysée Ibn Battuta: A coordination including Alternatiba, Fédération des Tunisiens Citoyens des Deux Rives (FTCR), Initiative Développement et Démocratie, Altercarto, le Forum Démocratique Mondial, Nation Océan (Libérons), ENDA ProNat. have launched a project for a ship to sail (with 300 activists of the different countries involved) from Marseille to Marocco, with stops in Lampedusa, Tunisia, Algeria and Spain. Objectives, among other things, to highlight the links between forced migration and the climate, share experiences of alternatives, and strategies of action during the 10 days of the voyage. Contact: elviejo(at) or guillaume_durin(at)
Here is a calendar for the Dutch climate movement with the dates and some details of interesting up-coming events.
Some additional events that are not yet in the calendar are listed below. Some do not have yet a definite date, but might be helpful to know that the idea is there.
28 May TTIP Day of actions all over the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague, Wageningen, Eindhoven and more). For more information check
29 May Workshop on a fresh perspective on the transition to a fossil-free, clean and energy efficient system on municipality base, organized by Greenwire, Greenpeace NL.
4 – 12 July: Summer excursion CloughjordanEcovillage (Ireland) & Bristol (UK) by RUW Foundation.
13-17 July: Sustaining our activism training in The Netherlands.
This workshop is for anyone who is active for social change. Surrounded by nature we will have time to reflect and get nourished. We will explore tools and strategies for finding inspiration and ways through the ups and downs in the struggle. We will explore and experience tools for our personal as our collective sustainability. We want to support you, to keep us going for the long haul. The workshop will take place in a simple location in the North East of the Netherlands. More details and registration at Nachhaltigeraktivismus(at)
23 July – 6 August: Tour de Natur 2016 van Groningen naar Kiel
September: NGO climate coalition action”Klimaat parade III”
September onwards:lectures@Greenpeace on wind energy and 100% renewables
14 – 16 October: Monsanto Tribunal and parallel People’s Assembly. The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Eminent judges will hear testimonies from victims, and deliver an advisory opinion following procedures of the International Court of Justice. A parallel People’s Assembly provides the opportunity for social movements to rally and plan for the future we want. Many of the crimes and proposed alternatives have strong links with climate change.
04 November TTIP-GAMES
In Sweden and Denmark as well as France, Switzerland and Germany
4-12 June Actionweek, Back on Track, an European coalition to support cross-border rail –
Climáximo, Portugal
In June starts Bicicletada, a bike tour from north to south of Portugal,against fracking and other non-conventional fossil fuel extraction methods.Many actions will take place during the tour, and a regularly updated programme can be found here . When the bikes reach Lisbon,Climáximo will be organizing a Toxic Tour, a replica of the earlier version that took place in April, with renewed targets.
In June there will be also movie screenings, CineClima, leading to a training on climateactivism. Drillings are planned in summer in the Atlantic coast, and in autumn in the southern coast of Portugal. This means we need to scale up to get ready for some real fun. On top the activist training, we are planning a couple of direct action trainings in July (more on this, later).
As for international links, we will seize the opportunity for the Iberianmobilization against the nuclear power plant in Almaraz, Caceres onJune 11th, where we will have a tiny, regional grassroots meeting.
Our main campaign, Climate Jobs / Empregos para o Clima, linking workers’ movements against unemployment and precarity, and the environmental justice movement, was launched on May 1st. Our next steps include the preparation of a detailed study on our concrete demands, videos explaining the principles of the campaign, trainings for unionists, and a common action moment by early autumn.
26 – 30 October, Cluj, Romania, 2nd Nyeleni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty. The Nyéléni Europe Movement brings together farmers, fishers, pastoralists, Indigenous Peoples, consumers, NGOs, trade unions, environmental, development, research and Justice/Solidarity/Human Rights Organizations, community-based food movements and others, to enhance existing food sovereignty initiatives and strengthen our work at local, national, regional and global levels. This is going to be a good place to get extra attention for climate change within the food and agriculture movement.
4th-15th July: Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice – Barcelona, Catalonia et Cerbère, France
19 June, Manifestation “Menschenstrom gegen Atom” – « Sortons du nucléaire 2016 » –
June 2016 – a month of action RESIST, PROTEST, DISRUPT against Trident at AWE Burghfield nuclear weapons factory!
28 July-1 Aug, Peace News Summer Camp 2016: empowering, community-building, training, play –
Earth First! has announced that its 2016 summer gathering will be held between 17 and 22 August in Northamptonshire
September – Reclaim the Power has called an action against aviation expansion (details TBC), This is part of Groundswell, a year of climate action